At Aquithie Boarding Kennels, personal care and attention are given to ensure the comfort and happiness of your pet.
A home away from home
t Aquithie Kennels we do our utmost to ensure that your dog is happy, contented and has a thoroughly enjoyable time with us. We pride ourselves on the personal care and attention given to all our animal guests. To ensure your pet’s comfort and happiness we ask that you tell us as much as your can about his/her likes and dislikes, and any special health requirements.
For example, does your dog
- love affection and attention, including cuddles?
- love to play interactive games?
- prefer their own company and enjoy just wandering around one of the large enclosures taking in the scenery and enjoying the outdoors?
- have any joint or other problems that would require modified or assisted exercise?
We want to know anything that will help us look after your pet(s) in the way they would like.

Boarding dogs are exercised twice daily in a large, enclosed area. This takes the form of interactive play with balls and toys, and becuase it’s a secure area the dogs can be off lead. We never mix dogs from different families, and free-play is always supervised.
If however you prefer your dog to have a daily walk, please just ask at the time you check them in. We walk the dogs on our own land, and they are never allowed off the lead while outside the perimeter fences. It’s also one person, one dog – we do not take several dogs at the same time. We don’t charge any extra for this service.
Pets on medication are very welcome. Providing your dog is neither infectious nor contagious we are more than happy to care for them.
If your pet is on medication please bring written instructions when you arrive to register them, including dosage rates and the contact details for your vet. This also applies if a special prescription diet is required.
Please ensure that we have any medication/dietary needs to cover a few extra days. These will be returned to you, but would be needed should you be delayed with flights, trains etc. Peace of mind for you, us and your pet’s welfare is not at risk.
For all pets, but especially those with special needs, the easier and less stressful we can make their holiday the better.
We offer a professional grooming service. If you would like your dog bathed and groomed before being collected please speak to Su. Charges depend on what you require and we will give you a quote for this service should you require it.
Vaccination Status
All pets must have a valid and up to date vaccination record. This record must be produced at the time your pet is booked in for his stay with us.
The nasal spray (Intrac) for kennel cough is one vaccine that we do not require. If you wish to have this vaccine administered to your pet please ensure that it is given at least 21 days before the date your pet is due to board with us. If your pet(s) have reacted to the vaccination and has kennel cough, we are unable to take them for at least six weeks. A percentage of pets do react and this is why we insist on the 21 day incubation period being adhered to.